Bulbs-L E-mail List

Managing Your Subscription


The independent international list for bulb enthusiasts around the world. This list is private, non-commercial, and not affiliated with any particular society or group. Its remit is geophytes of the world (plants with bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes). We welcome new subscribers. Bulbs-L is hosted by Surfnet in The Netherlands.

Jim Shields, List Owner

To join Bulbs-L

Send an e-mail with your real name (given name and family name) with your request for a subscription to Bulbs-L to Jim Shields < jim@shieldsgardens.com>, List owner. Be sure to include the e-mail address from which you will be posting messages sent to the list.

Controlling your Mail Delivery

When you were first subscribed to this list, you all received a long, detailed post explaining how to manage your account. Please review that. Keep that message!

The mail options are:

MAIL (receive individual messages as posted)
NOMAIL (receive no mail at all)
DIGEST (receive one digest per day, with all that day's postings)
NODIGEST (return to receiving individual messages as posted)
INDEX (receive only a list of the day's messages by subject line)
NOINDEX (return to receiving individual messages as posted)

The protocol is to send the command to the listserver, <listserv@nic.surfnet.nl>

and NOT TO THE LIST ITSELF. The command format is:

SET BULBS-L option

where "option" is one of the options listed above. Be sure not to put anything but the command in your message: NO subject line; NO signature!

Jim Shields
Bulbs-L List Owner

Jim Shields < jim@shieldsgardens.com>, webmaster
Last revised on: 6 April 2003