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A form of gardenii that grows in streams, referred to as the "Swamp Clivia", may be a distinct race or even a separate species. It is robust plant that grows in running water in small streams or near rivers. It holds its crown well above the water level on stilt-like roots. Swamp Clivia plants grown in cultivation do not usually show this stilt structure.
According to Dr. Keith Hammett ("Swamp Clivia", in Clivia Three, pub. by The Clivia Society, Claremont, South Africa, 2001), the chromosomes of several colonies of Swamp Clivia appear to be distinct from other C. gardenii populations. These distinctive Swamp Clivia populations include colonies of the Eloff 'Robust gardenii' and colonies in the Transkei and in KwaZulu-Natal.
Dr. Hammett indicated in the article that his research group feels that the Swamp Clivia is a distinct species in its own right. It is at least a distinct variety of C. gardenii.