In my opinion I consider this plant to be a distinct form of Clivia unlike any of the other known pendant types and it may well be judged to be a new specie when described taxonomically.
ORIGIN. I grew up in the Transkei and recall seeing this plant in my mother's garden during the early 1930's. With this in mind in September 1989 I went in search of the plant in the natural indigenous forests in the so-called Wild Coast. I found several small populations in the Umtentu River Valley in the Bizana district, close to where my parents traded for many years.
PLANT DESCRIPTION. The flowers are pendant with up to 49 flowers on an umbel, which is close to the number for Nobilis and decidedly more than any of the other well known pendant species - Gardenii, Swamp or Caulescens.
When well grown the plant reaches a height of more than a meter. The leaves are strap shaped, approximately 55mm wide, up to 1 meter long and slightly serrated along the edges towards the tip, again in similarity with Nobilis. The leaf tip is moderately pointed, intermediate between Nobilis and Gardenii, and similar to Caulescens. In many cases the leaves have a Nobilis like median stripe. The main flowering time is late autumn, around May, the same as Gardenii and in contrast with the other species which flower in spring.
© Copyright 2004 by Fred van Niekerk. Reproduced by permission.
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Over 5 pkts., Priority Mail | US$8.00 |
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Revised last on 28 August 2004
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