The Bulbs of the World: Amaryllidaceae

    |                          |=========================Amaryllis
    |                          |
    |                          |       |=================Boophone
    |                          |       |
    |     AMARYLLIDEAE         |       |           |=====Brunsvigia
    |   |======================|       |       |===|
    |   |                      |   |===|       |   |=====Hessea
    |   |                      |   |   |   |===|
    |   |                      |   |   |   |   |=========Strumaria
    |   |                      |===|   |===|
    |   |                          |       |=============Nerine
    |   |                          |
    |   |                          |=====================Crinum
    |   |
    |   |                                            |===Apodolirion
    |   |                                        |===|
    |   |                                        |   |===Gethyllis
    |   |                                    |===|
    |   |                                    |   |=======Haemanthus
 <==|   |                                |===|
    |   |                                |   |===========Scadoxus
    |   |                            |===|
    |   |                            |   |===============Cryptostephanus
    |   |                        |===|
    |   |           HAEMANTHEAE  |   |===================Clivia
    |   |        |===============|
    |   |        |               |                   |===Calostemma
    |   |        |               |===================|
    |   |        |                  CALOSTEMMATEAE   |===Proiphys
    |   |        |
    |   |        |                                   |===Caliphruria
    |   |        |                               |===|
    |   |        |                               |   |===Stenomesson p.
    |   |        |                           |===|
    |   |        |                           |   |   |===Eucrosia
    |   |        |                           |   |===|
    |   |        |               |===========|       |===Phaedranassa
    |   |        |               |           |
    |   |        |               |           |===========Hymenocallis
    |   |        |               |
    |   |        |               |                   |===Eucharis
    |   |        |               |       |===========|
    |===|        |               |       |           |===Rauhia
        |        |               |       |
        |        |               |       |           |===Ismene E.
        |        |               |   |===|       |===|
        |        |           |===|   |   |       |   |===Ismene I.
        |        |           |   |   |   |   |===|
        |        |           |   |   |   |   |   |=======Ismene P.
        |        |           |   |===|   |===|
        |        |           |   |   |       |===========Stenomesson var.
        |        |           |   |   |
        |        |           |   |   |===================Paramongaia
        |        |       |===|   |
        |    |===|       |   |   |                   |===Leptochitin
        |    |   |       |   |   |===================|
        |    |   |       |   |                       |===Pamianthe
        |    |   |       |   |
        |    |   |       |   |                       |===Chlidanthus
        |    |   |       |   |  EUSTEPHIEAE      |===|
        |    |   |       |   |===================|   |===Hieronymiella
        |    |   |       |                       |
        |    |   |       |                       |=======Eustephia
        |    |   |       |
        |    |   |       |                       |=======Habranthus
        |    |   |       |                       |
        |    |   |       |                   |===|   |===Sprekelia
        |    |   |       |                   |   |===|
        |    |   |       |                   |       |===Zephyranthes
        |    |   |       |               |===|
        |    |   |       |               |   |       |===Rhodophiala
        |    |   |       |===============|   |=======|
        |    |   |       | HIPPEASTREAE  |           |===Traubia
        |    |   |       |               |
        |    |   |   |===|               |===============Hippeastrum
        |    |   |   |   |
        |    |   |   |   |===============================Griffinia
        |    |   |   |   |
        |    |   |   |   |===============================Worsleya
        |    |   |   |    AMERICAN CLADE
        |====|   |   |                               |===Galanthus
             |   |   |                           |===|
             |   |   |                           |   |===Leucojum
             |   |===|                       |===|
             |       |                       |   |   |===Lapiedra
             |       |                       |   |===|
             |       |                   |===|       |===Narcissus
             |       |                   |   |
             |       |                   |   |       |===Hannonia
             |       |                   |   |=======|
             |       |               |===|           |===Vagaria
             |       |               |   |
             |       |               |   |           |===Pancratium
             |       |===============|   |===========|
             |                       |               |===Sternbergia
             |                       |
             |                       |  LYCORIDEAE   |===Lycoris
             |                       |===============|
             |                                       |===Ungernia
             |      CYRTANTHEAE

The above diagram has been freely adapted from trees in: Meerow et al., American J. of Botany, vol. 86, pp. 1325-1345 (1999).
See also: "Phylogeny of the American Amaryllidaceae based on nrDNA ITS sequences" A. W. Meerow, C. L. Guy, Q-B. Li, and S-L. Yang, Systematic Botany (2000) 25(4): pp708-726.

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For more information about the Great Lakes Bulb Society, contact:
Jim Shields, at

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James E. Shields,

Last revised: 23 December 2009.

© Copyright 2005 by James E. Shields. All rights reserved.