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Harvest Time

by Dr. Loukie Viljoen, South Africa

Starting Clivia Seeds in Arid Climates

Part 5


As I Promised we will follow up V74-00 on a weekly basis. Time went so fast I forgot the first week, having to go back to the saltmine etc. Just as well because when I opened V74-00 this morning, this is now the first time opened since planting on the 4th Jan 2002 and good news. Of the seeds we planted together on the 4th, there are only 2 that have not germinated. They are not rotten, just slow. I will take another photo next Saturday.

I must say these were yellow parent seeds and they were all planted with the micropore above ground level . There is no sign of fungus, they look as clean and healthy as the day we planted them.

After planting on the 4th I did not add water, did not ventilate them at all, BUT the temperature never got above 23° Celsius (73°F) and the light is very subdued. I am sure they will germinate on the tissue and all the other substrates that clivia people can think of but the advantage here is that they are on soil, the root can immediately penetrate into soil, no transplanting or handling of the seedling if I can help it.

Germinating Seeds Close-up

On the photo you can see how the young root (or radicle) emerged in my ring and then bent down to the ground. I feel when this pore is below ground level the chances of an infection are greater. I just gave them a few sprays of water and Sporekill just to be safe.

© Copyright 2002 by Loukie Viljoen. All rights reserved.


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Last Updated on: 13 February 2002